Curriculum Vitae

1.  Personal Details                                                                 February 2015 CanonIXUS500HS 1a 026 cropped    


Name                           Dr. Dan  Diaper,  Ph.D., MBCS CITP.


Address                        DDD SYSTEMS, 26 St. Marks Road,

                                    Bournemouth, BH11 8SZ, U.K.


Telephone                    +44 (0)1202 523172

Mobile                         +44 (0)7840 539957






Date of birth                May 9th. 1955 


Nationality                   British 


Marital status              Married with adult daughter


 2.  Educational and Professional Qualifications 


1973-76                       B.Sc. (Psychology), 2.1, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.


1977-82                       Ph.D. (Experimental Psychology), University of Cambridge. 


1990®                        Member of the British Computer Society - Chartered Information Technology Professional. 


2002-04                       Member of the Institute of Learning & Teaching in Higher



3.  Employment Record 


1982-86                       Research Assistant/Fellow, Ergonomics Unit, University

College London.


1986-89                       Senior Lecturer, Section of Psychology, Liverpool Polytechnic.


1989-96                       Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, University of  Liverpool.


1996-98                       Head of Department of Computing, Bournemouth University.  

                                    Professor of Systems Science and Engineering.


1998-04                       Research Chair, Bournemouth University.  

                                    Professor of Systems Science and Engineering.


2004-06                       Senior Research Fellow, School of Computing Science, Middlesex University.


2007-2012                   DDD SYSTEMS - consultant to industry on task and general systems analysis and on artificial intelligence at Middlesex University.


2013                            Online Tutor and Project Supervisor, University of Derby.


4.  R&D Interests 


This keyword list represents the range of topics on which Dr. Diaper has published research work.


Task Analysis                                                  Systems Analysis

Expert/Knowledge Based Systems                   Software Engineering

Intelligent Interfaces                                        Natural Language Processing

Simulations                                                      User Modelling

Hypertext/Hypermedia                                    Organisational Modelling

Structured Design Methods                              Computer Supported Cooperative Work

Software Tools                                                System and User Interface Evaluation

Training                                                           Collaborative Writing

Requirements and Design Specification           Large Document Management Systems

Knowledge Elicitation                                      Artificial Intelligence  

Formal Methods                                               Object Oriented Systems 

Functional Specification                                  Soft Systems Methodology

Epistemology                                                   Small Scale Programming 

Safety Critical Systems                                    Global Information Technology  

Distance Learning                                            Web Page Design

Universal Accessibility                                    Activity Theory


1982-1996                   Total personal research and consultancy funding about £0.5M. Sources include: SERC (Alvey 1), EPSRC, DTI, Racal Automation, Intel Corp., British Telecom.


1996-2004                   Dr. Diaper was involved in his Department’s income generation, particularly from industry.  Bournemouth University funded a Research Assistant for 18 months to work on electronic lectures (approx. £30K). 


2006-2009                   Recognised Researcher (2006) and commercial consultant (from 2007) on EPSRC grant EP/D059720 – ‘Natural Language Parsing using Cell Assemblies: Computational Linguistics with Attractor Nets’. Total value (pre-Full Economic Costing) £207K.


2009-2010                   Researcher/Consultant on the Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Business Management Accountancy and Finance project ‘Formative Aspects of Summative Assessment’. 


5.  Teaching Experience


1986-89                       Psychology: Experimental Psychology, Human Information Processing, Philosophy, Information Technology, Expert/Knowledge Based Systems.


1989-2006                   Computer Science: Software Engineering, Human-Computer

Interaction, User Interface Design, Automated Office Applications, Task Analysis, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Knowledge Based Systems, Speech & Natural Language,  Soft Systems, Ethics & Professionalism, Research Methods and Statistics, IT Governance & Law.


1986-2004                   External Assessor, M.Sc. Ergonomics and M.Sc. Human-

Computer Interaction, University of London.


2008                            Lecture and seminars to MBA students at South Bank University on quantitative methods.


 6.  Editorships 


1988®                        General Editor (until 1999),  Interacting with Computers: The

Interdisciplinary Journal of Human-Computer Interaction,  

Elsevier.  Continuing as Editor Emeritus/Founding Editor on IwC’s General Editorial and Management Board.


1989-2014                   Advisory Editorial Board, Knowledge-Based Systems, Elsevier.


1992→                        Co-Editor, Computer Supported Cooperative Work book

series,  Springer.  Continued as Associate Editor of the merged Springer and Kluwer CSCW book series.  Approx. 35 books published when co-editor.


1997-2000                   Editorial Board member, International Journal of Cognition,

Technology & Work, Springer.


Editor of five professionally published conference proceedings and five books.


7.  Committee Experience 


British Computer Society: BCS Council, BCS Technical Board (Vice-Chair), BCS Technical Board Finance Committee (Chair), BCS Finance and Operations, BCS Publications Board, British HCI Group Executive, British HCI Group Conferences.  BCS Dorset Branch Committee Member and Secretary.


Department of Trade and Industry: DTI CSCW SIG Executive and Chair of the SIG, DTI UK Teleworking Platform Advisory Board.  


8.  Conferences and Meetings 


Speaker:          Number of papers presented at conferences or meetings approx. 25


Chair:                          Session or meeting chair at approx. 25 events.


Tutorials:         Number of tutorials given at conferences  approx. 10 

                        N.B. A similar number have been given to industry.  


9          Publications               


[1] Diaper, D. (1984)   An Approach to IKBS Development Based on a Review of `Conceptual Structures: Information Processing in Mind and Machine' by J. F. Sowa.  Behaviour and Information Technology, 3, 3, 249-255.


[2] Johnson, P., Diaper, D and Long, J. (1984)   Syllabi for Training in Information Technology.   in  Contemporary Ergonomics 1984.  (Ed. Megaw, E.), 92-97.  Taylor and Francis.


[3] Johnson, P., Diaper, D and Long, J. (1984)   Tasks, Skills and Knowledge: Task Analysis for Knowledge Based Descriptions.   In Interact'84 - First IFIP conference on Human-Computer Interaction.  (Ed. Shackel, B.), 1, 23-27. Elsevier.


[4] Johnson, P., Diaper, D and Long, J. (1985)   Task Analysis in Interactive Systems Design and Evaluation.  in    Analysis, Design and Evaluation of Man-Machine Systems.  (Eds. Johannsen, G., Mancini, G. and Martensson, L.), 123-127.  Pergamon Press.


[5] Diaper, D. (1986)   Identifying the Knowledge Requirements of an Expert System's Natural Language Processing Interface. in People and Computers: Designing for Usability.  (Eds. Harrison, M.D. and Monk, A.F.), 263-280.  Cambridge University Press.


[6] Diaper, D. (1986)   Will Expert Systems Be Safe? in  Second International Expert Systems Conference.  561-572. Learned Information.


[7] Diaper, D. (1987)  POMESS: A People Orientated Methodology for Expert System Specification. in  Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge Based Systems. (Eds. Addis, T., Boose, J. and Gaines, B.).


[8] Diaper, D. (1987)  Designing Systems for People: Beyond User Centred Design.  in     Software Engineering.  Proceedings of the Share European Association (SEAS) Anniversary Meeting, 283-302.


[9] Diaper, D. (1987)  Satisfying Goals: An Introduction to People and Computers III.  in    People and Computers III.  (Eds. Diaper, D. and Winder, R.), 1-8. Cambridge University Press.


[10] Diaper, D. and Shelton, T. (1987)  Natural Language Requirements for Expert System Naive Users.  in Recent Developments and Applications of Natural Language Understanding.  113-124. Unicom Seminars Ltd.


[11] Diaper, D. (1988)  Task Analysis for Knowledge Descriptions: Building a Task Descriptive Hierarchy. in Contemporary Ergonomics 1988.  (Ed. Megaw, E.), 118-124. Taylor and Francis.


[12] Diaper, D. (1988)  Natural Language Communication with Computers: Theory, Needs and Practice. in KBS in Government.  (Ed. Duffin, P.), 19-44. Blenheim Online.


[13] Diaper, D. (1988)  The Promise of POMESS. in Proceedings of Human and Organisational Issues of Expert Systems.  Ergonomics Society.


[14] Diaper, D. (1989)  The Wizard's Apprentice: A Program to Help Analyse Natural Language Dialogues.  in  People and Computers V.  (Eds. Sutcliffe, A. and Macaulay, L.), 231-244.  Cambridge University Press.


[15] Diaper, D. (1989)  The Discipline of Human-Computer Interaction. Interacting with Computers, 1, 1, 3-5.


[16] Diaper, D. (1989)  Bridging the Gulf between Requirements and Design. In Proceedings of the Ergonomics Society Conference on Simulation in the Development of User Interfaces.  129-145.


[17] Diaper, D. (1989)  Giving HCI Away.  in People and Computers V. (Eds. Sutcliffe, A. and Macaulay, L.), 109-120.  Cambridge University Press.


[18] Diaper, D. (1989)  Knowledge Acquisition in Perspective.  In Knowledge Acquisition for Expert Systems.  1-14.  Conference at the Cafe Royal, September 8th. IBC Technical Services Ltd.


[19] Diaper, D. (1989)  Task Observation for Human-Computer Interaction. in  Task Analysis for Human-Computer Interaction.  (Ed.) Diaper, D., 210-237.  Ellis Horwood.


[20] Diaper, D. (1989)  Task Analysis for Knowledge Descriptions (TAKD): The Method and an Example. in  Task Analysis for Human-Computer Interaction.  (Ed. Diaper, D.), 108-159.  Ellis Horwood.


[21] Diaper, D. (1989)  Designing Expert Systems: From Dan to Beersheba. in  Knowledge Elicitation:  Principles, Techniques and Applications.  (Ed. Diaper, D), 15-46. Ellis Horwood.


[22] Diaper, D. and Johnson, P. (1989)  Task Analysis for Knowledge Descriptions: Theory and Application in Training.  In Cognitive Ergonomics and Human-Computer Interaction.  (Eds. Long, J. and Whitefield. A.), 191-224. Cambridge University Press.


[23] Diaper, D. and Shelton, T. (1989)  Dialogues with the Tin Man: Computing a Natural Language Grammar for Expert System Naive Users.  in Recent Developments and Applications of Natural Language Processing.  (Ed. Peckham, J,), 98-116. Kogan Page.


[24] Barlow, J., Beer, M., Bench-Capon, T., Diaper, D., Dunne, P. and Rada, R. (1989)    Expertext: Hypertext-Expert Systems Theory, Synergy and Applications.  in  Expert Systems VI.  (Ed. Shadbolt, N.), 116-127.  Cambridge University Press.


[25] Barlow, J., Rada, R. and Diaper, D. (1989)  Interacting WITH Computers.  Interacting with Computers, 1, 1, 39-42.


[26] Diaper, D. (1990)  An Organisational Context for Expert System Design.  in  Expert Systems: Human Issues. (Eds. Berry, D. and Hart, A.), 214-236. Chapman and Hall.


[27] Diaper, D. (1990)  Simulation: A Stepping Stone between Requirements and Design.  in  Simulation and the User Interface.  (Eds.) Life, A., Narborough-Hall, C. and Hamilton, W., 59-72.  Taylor and Francis.


[28] Diaper, D. (1990)   Analysing Focused Interview Data with Task Analysis for Knowledge Descriptions (TAKD).  in  Human-Computer Interaction: Interact'90. (Eds). Diaper, D., Gilmore, D., Cockton, G. and Shackel, B., 277-282.  Elsevier.


[29] Diaper, D. and Beer, M. (1990)  Headed Record Expertext and Document Applications.  in  Hypertext Update. , 63-69.  UNICOM Seminars.


[30] Narula, I, Diaper, D., Birley, M. and Mehra, S. (1990)  CaLM: Computer-assisted Learning in Medicine and the Liverpool Anaemia Guide System.  in the proceedings of the CTICM Cruise into the 90's.


[31] Diaper, D. (1991)  Giving Referees their Head. in  People and Computers VI. (Eds.) Diaper, D. and Hammond, N., pp. 3-7, Cambridge University Press.


[32] Diaper, D. and Addison, M. (1991)  User Modelling: The Task Oriented Modelling (TOM) Approach to the Designer's Model.  in  People and Computers VI. (Eds.) Diaper, D. and Hammond, N., pp. 387-402, Cambridge University Press.


[33] Diaper, D. and Beer, M. (1991)  Developing User Interfaces for Headed Record Expertext.  in  Proceedings of the UKUUG (United Kingdom UNIX system User Group) Conference: Interfacing Unix to The User.  (Ed. Beer, M.). University of Liverpool.


[34] Diaper, D. and Rada, R. (1991)  Expertext: Hyperising Expert Systems and Expertising Hypertext.  in Brown, H. (Ed.)  Hypermedia/Hypertext and Object Oriented Databases.  125-163. Chapman and Hall.


[35] Beer, M. and Diaper, D. (1991)  Reading and Writing Documents using Headed Record Expertext.  in  Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Computers and the Writing Process.  (Ed. Sharples, M.). 198-207. University of Sussex.  Reprinted in: AISB Newsletter, (1991), 77, 22-28.


[36] Narula, I. and Diaper, D. (1991)  Third World Continuing Medical Education with Hypertext: The Liverpool Anaemia Guide System.  Ergonomics, 34, 1147-1160.


[37] Rada, R. and Diaper, D. (1991)  Converting Text to Hypertext and Vice Versa.  in Brown, H. (Ed.)  Hypermedia/Hypertext and Object Oriented Databases.  167-200. Chapman and Hall.


[38] Diaper, D. and Addison, M. (1992)  Task Analysis and Systems Analysis for Software Engineering.   Interacting with Computers, 4, 1, 124-139.


[39] Diaper, D. and Addison, M. (1992)  HCI: The Search for Solutions. in Monk, A.F., Diaper, D. and Harrison, M.D. (Eds.)  People and Computers VII.  493-5.  Cambridge University Press.


[40] Diaper, D. (1993)  Small Scale Collaborative Writing using Electronic Mail.  in  CSCW in Practice: An Introduction and Case Studies.  (Eds. Diaper, D. and Sanger, C.), 69-92. Springer-Verlag.


[41] Diaper, D. (1993)  CSCW: Psychology, Sociology  and Computing.  BCS Bulletin, Feb. Issue.


[42] Seward, R., Diaper, D. and Sanger, C. (1993)  The Pod: A Purpose-built Environment to Support Group Working. in  CSCW in Practice: An Introduction and Case Studies.  (Eds. Diaper, D. and Sanger, C.), 151-162. Springer-Verlag.


[43] Diaper, D. (1994)  Small Scale CSCW Systems  in Spurr, K., Layzell, P., Jennison, L. and Richards, N. (Eds.)   Computer Support for Cooperative Work.  89-107.  Wiley.


[44] Diaper, D. and Sahithi, P.S. (1995)  Red Faces over User Interfaces:  What Should Colour be User For? in  People and Computers X.  425-435.  Cambridge University Press.


[45] Diaper, D. and Beer, M. (1995)  Collaborative Document Annotation using Electronic Mail.  Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 3, 297-325.   Kluwer.


[46] Diaper, D. (1997)    Integrating Human-Computer Interaction  and Software Engineering Requirements Analysis: A Demonstration of Task  Analysis Supporting Entity Modelling.  SIGCHI Bulletin, 29, 1.


[47] Diaper, D., McKearney, S. and Hurne, J. (1998) Integrating Task and Data Flow Analyses  using the Pentanalysis Technique.  Ergonomics, 41, 11, 1553-1583.


[48] Diaper, D. and Kadoda, G. (1999) The Process Perspective. in Brooks, L. and Kimble, C. (Eds.) UK Academy for Information Systems 1999 Conference Proceedings. 31-40.  McGraw-Hill.


[49] Zhu, H., Jin, L. and Diaper, D. (1999) Testing Software Requirements with Task Analysis. 11th. International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE’99).  239-245.


[50] Diaper, D. (2000) Hardening Soft Systems Methodology. in McDonald, S., Waern, Y. and Cockton, G. (Eds.) People and Computers XIV. 183-204. Springer.


[51] Diaper, D. and Waelend, P. (2000)  World Wide Web Working Whilst Ignoring Graphics:  Good News for Web Page Designers.  Interacting with Computers, 13, 2, 163-181.


[52] Diaper, D. (2000)  One Person and Their Dog Performing Electronic Lecturing.  in Jin, Q., Li, J., Zhang, N., Cheng, J. Yu,C. and Noguchi, S. (Eds.) International Conference on Information Society and the 21st. Century: Emerging Technologies and New Challenges (IS2000, Japan). 596-602.

N.B. The CD-ROM e-lecture of this paper received a “Special Award”.


[53] Taylor, J. and Diaper, D. (2001)   Maintaining Choice: Electronic University Education and Diversity.  In Proceedings of the First  International  Conference  on  Learning  and  Teaching On-line:  Practices, Challenges  and Prospects.  China, January, 2001.

N.B. The conference proceedings were never published in a paper format. 


[54] Diaper, D. (2001)  Task Analysis for Knowledge Descriptions (TAKD): A Requiem for a Method.  Behaviour and Information Technology. 20, 3, 199-212.


[55] Diaper, D. (2001)  The Model Matters: Constructing and Reasoning with Heterarchical Structural Models. in Kadoda, G. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group 13th. Annual Workshop. 17th.-20th. April, 2001. 191-206.


[56] Diaper, D., Taylor, J. and Hadaway, L. (2002)  Do It Yourself Electronic Lectures in Microsoft Powerpoint.  in Jin, Q., Li, J., Zhang, N., Cheng, J., Yu, C. and Noguchi, S. (Eds.) Enabling Society with Information Technology.  276-283.  Springer-Verlag.


[57] Diaper, D. (2002) Human-Computer Interaction.  in Meyers, R.B. (Ed.)  The Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology. 3rd. Ed.  vol. 7, 393-400.  Academic Press.

N.B. A Do-It-Yourself Electronic Lecture (DIYEL) version of this encyclopedia article is available for running on PCs using Microsoft PowerPoint.


[58] Zhu, H., Jin, L., Diaper, D. and Bai, G. (2002) Software Requirements Validation via Task Analysis.  Journal of Systems and Software, 61, 145-169.


[59] Diaper, D. (2002)  Waves of Task Analysis.  Interfaces, 50, 8-10.  British HCI Group. ISSN 1351-119X.


[60] Diaper, D. (2002)  Scenarios and Task Analysis.  Interacting with Computers, 14, 4, 379-395.


[61] Diaper, D. (2002) Task Scenarios and Thought.  Interacting with Computers, 14, 5, 629-638.


[62] Diaper, D. and Worman, L. (2003)  Two Falls out of Three in the Automated Accessibility Assessment of World Wide Web Sites: A-Prompt v. Bobby. in Johnson, P., Palanque, P. and O’Neill, E. (Eds.) People and Computers XVII.  349-363.  Springer-Verlag.


[63] Diaper, D., May, J., Cockton, G., Dray, S., Benyon, D., Bevan, N. and McEwan, T. (2003)  Exposing, Exploring, Exploding Task Analysis Myths. HCI2003 proceedings 2, 225-6.  British HCI Group.  ISSN 1-897851-1--3.


[64] Diaper, D. (2003)  Systemic Task Analysis. HCI2003 proceedings 2, 203-4. British HCI Group.  ISSN 1-897851-1--3.


[65] Diaper, D. (2004)  Understanding Task Analysis for Human-Computer Interaction. in Diaper, D. and Stanton, N.A. (Eds.)  The Handbook of Task Analysis for Human-Computer Interaction.  5-47.  Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


[66] Diaper, D. and Stanton, N.A. (2004)  Wishing on a sTAr: The Future of Task Analysis for Human-Computer Interaction. in Diaper, D. and Stanton, N.A. (Eds.)  The Handbook of Task Analysis for Human-Computer Interaction.  603-619.  Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


[67] Diaper, D. (2004)  An Introduction to Systemic Task Analysis. in Dearden, A. and Watts, L. (Eds.)  Proceedings of HCI2004, 2, 255-256. British HCI Group.  ISBN 1-897851-13-8.


[68] Diaper, D. (2005)  An Introduction to the ‘All Thought Is Scenarios’ (ATIS) Hypothesis: Practical Applied Psychology for Non-Psychologists.  Abstract in the European Society for the Study of Cognitive Systems 22nd. Annual Workshop, 5-6, 1-3 July.


[69] Diaper, D. (2005)  In-use Computing Tasks, In-situ Work Evaluation with SAM (the Systemic Analysis Method).  Paper at the BCS In-Use, In-Situ: Extending Research Field Methods workshop.  IDC Technical Report IDC-TR-2005-4, 30-35.  27-28 October.


[70] Diaper, D. (2006)  Task Analysis at the Heart of Human-Computer Interaction.  in Ghaoudi, C. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Human Computer Interaction. 579-587.  Information Science Publishing.


[71] Diaper, D. and Sanger, C. (2006)  Tasks For and Task In Human-Computer Interaction. Interacting with Computers, 18, 1, 117-138.


[72] Diaper, D. (2006)  Joint Cognitive Task Design.  American Journal of Psychology, 119 (2), 338-347.


[73] Huyck, C., Diaper, D., Belavkin, R. and Kenny, I. (2006)  Vision in an Agent based on Fatiguing Leaky Integrate and Fire Neurons.  IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society 5th. Chapter Conference on Advances in Cybernetic Systems 2006. 131-136.  Sept. 7-8.


[74] Diaper, D., Huyck, C., Amavasai, B., Cheng, X. and Oussalah, M. (2007)  Intelligently Engineering Artificial Intelligence Engineering: The Cognitive Architectures Competition.  In Kaminka, G.A. and Burghart, C.R. (eds.) Evaluating Architectures for Intelligence. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Workshop, Technical Report WS-07-04, 23-26. AAAI Press.


[75] Diaper, D (2008)  Reactionary Engagements with Activity Theory.  Interacting with Computers, 20 (2), 260-266.


[76] Diaper, D. and Lindgaard, G. (2008)  West Meets East: Adapting Activity Theory for HCI & CSCW Applications?  Interacting with Computers, 20 (2), 240-246.


[77] Byrne, E., Diaper, D. and Huyck, C. (2009) Collaborating with Neural Network-based Artificial Intelligence Agents.  in: 2009 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces: Human Interaction with Intelligent & Networked Systems workshop, Sanibel Island, Florida, February, 2009.


[78] Diaper, D. and Lindgaard, G. (2010)  Migrating Activity Theory to HCI and CSCW Applications.  in Evers, V., Abdelnour-Nocera, J. and del Galdo, E. Designing for Global Markets 9.  Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Internationalisation of Products and Systems (IWIPS 2010).  65-79. 7-10 July, Thames Valley University.


[79] Huyck, C., Belavkin, R., Jamshed, F., Nadh, K., Passmore, P., Byrne, E. and Diaper, D. (2011) CABot3: A Simulated Neural Games Agent. 7th International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning, NeSy'11, IJCAI 2011, Barcelona, Spain.


[80] Diaper, D. (2011) Defining and Representing Activity Context for Systems Analysis. in Activity Context Representation: Techniques and Languages. 8-13. AAAI Press. From the  workshop at the 25th. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence conference, San Francisco.


[81] Diaper, D. (2011) A Formal Systems Approach to Machine Capture, Representation and Use of Activity Context. in Activity Context Representation: Techniques and Languages. 14-19, AAAI Press. From the workshop at the 25th. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence conference, San Francisco.


[82] Diaper, D and Huyck, C. (2019)  The Task Analysis Cell Assembly Perspective., Cornell University.


Edited Books 


[B1] Diaper, D. and Winder, R. (1987)   People and Computers III.  Cambridge University Press.


[B2] Diaper, D. (1989)   Knowledge Elicitation: Principles, Techniques and Applications.  Ellis Horwood.


[B3] Diaper, D. (1989)  Task Analysis for Human-Computer Interaction.  Ellis Horwood.


[B4] Diaper, D., Gilmore, D., Cockton, G. and Shackel, B. (1990) Human-Computer Interaction: Interact'90.  Elsevier: North-Holland.


[B5] Diaper, D. and Hammond, N. (1991)   People and Computers VI.  Cambridge University Press.


[B6] Monk, A.F., Diaper, D. and Harrison, M.D. (1992) People and Computers VII.  Cambridge University Press.


[B7] Diaper, D. and Sanger, C. (1993)  CSCW in Practice: An Introduction and Case Studies.  Springer-Verlag.


[B8] Alty, J., Diaper, D. and Guest, S. (1993) People and Computers VIII.  Cambridge University Press.


[B9] Diaper, D. and Stanton, N.A. (2004)  The Handbook of Task Analysis for Human-Computer Interaction.   Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


[B10] Duquenoy, P., Jones, S., Rahanu, H. and Diaper, D. (2005)  Social, Legal and Professional Issues of Computing.  Global Campus series: Middlesex University Press.