DDD SYSTEMS & Dr. Dan Diaper. Contact Dr. Diaper via Social media: Twitter, LinkedIn, ResearchGate, but NOT Facebook.
Social Media
Email: ddiaper@ntlworld.com
Twitter: DrDanDiaper
Please FOLLOW @DrDanDiaper
– retweet and reply to him. New to
Twitter, @DrDanDiaper will reciprocate and follow you, etc.
@DrDanDiaper tweets will have something or other to do with cricket.
LinkedIn: An academic social networking site. Dr. Diaper joined very early at the request
of a colleague. Even after recent
updates, Dr. Diaper’s section is incomplete.
For a full list of his publications see his Curriculum Vitae.
ResearchGate: A relatively new academic publications
website. Watching Cricket on the Radio
is an academic publication and will be promoted on ResearchGate –
“Well, they would keep sending me emails to
confirm authorship of papers and to endorse the skills of people I know, and
many I don’t … and you can only do these things if you join ResearchGate
yourself. I’m not sure of the morality
of this. I think it is certainly up for
discussion” Dr. Dan Diaper.
For a full list of Dr.
Diaper’s publication see his Curriculum Vitae.
NOT Facebook.
Groucho Marx famously declared that he’d refuse to be a member of any
club that would accept him. Facebook
requires people to use their real name, but then rejects vast numbers of real
names. ‘Diaper’ makes me a Facebook Reject, although I have a very
old English surname – it means a diamond pattern, hence ‘Dr. Dan <>’ –
and my father’s family settled in Southampton half a millennium or more
ago. I will not lie and I will not be
‘Dr. Dan Draper’. Unlike Marx, G., I’d
only join clubs who believed that they were privileged to have me, no matter
how misguided such belief may be.