DDD SYSTEMS & Dr. Dan Diaper.  Cricket Verse – A collection on cricket in verse; from other people, including limericks and, dubiously, Dr. Dan’s Doggerel.


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Cricket Verse (3)





5th. February, 2016.





4th. February, 2016.

Lady Lainey Robinson Lady Lainey Robinson @LadyLaineyR


Ode to cricket past


When I was a child no bigger than a gnat

My mother  would make me wear my sun hat

Whilst Dad dragged me to the cricket club, Shildon BR

To watch cousins score runs, which even rain couldn’t mar


Around a small TV set tuned to BBC for the Test

Would be where the ‘older’ chaps would go for a rest

Black and white picture, with well turned out teams

Playing for their country, living their dreams.

      … [MORE] To see the full version of this ode.



3rd. February, 2016.

South Africa v. England – 1st. ODI

N.B. These Cricket Verse pages were first advertised during this match.




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Lady Lainey Robinson  Lady Lainey Robinson @LadyLaineyR

My love of cricket is well known

Headingley is my temporary home

My boys I cheer on fulltime

Watching  from the boundary line


Jeff Perkins @JeffPerkins12

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Jeff Perkins @JeffPerkins12

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Jeff Perkins @JeffPerkins12

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Jeff Perkins @JeffPerkins12

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Ed Webb Ed Webb @BeardyEd

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Jeff Perkins @JeffPerkins12

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Jeff Perkins @JeffPerkins12

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https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/623170805149618176/vss4hd5r_bigger.jpgNakul Pande @NakulMPande

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© Dr. Dan Diaper, 2015.  DDD SYSTEMS version 9.0 – updated February, 2016.