DDD SYSTEMS & Dr. Dan Diaper.  Cricket Verse – A collection on cricket in verse; from other people, including limericks and, dubiously, Dr. Dan’s Doggerel.


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Cricket Verse (5)





England v. Sri Lanka

First Test, Day 1




Jeff Perkins ‏@JeffPerkins12 



Chris Barlow @ChristheChoir)

Hint – first letter of each line.





Jeff Perkins ‏@JeffPerkins12 










- - - - - - - - Hiatus - - -


28th. March, 2016 (but submitted earlier)

Chris Barlow (Chris-the-Choir)


Cricket Psalm 23

1 The Lord is Lord Sheppard; I shall not want.

2  He maketh spectators to lie down on green pastures: he removeth still waters with the Super Sopper.

3  He restoreth my DRS reviews at 80 overs: he leadeth me in the Redpaths of righteousness for his name's sake.

4  Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil dhoosras: for thou art with me; thy Rod Marsh and thy Joe Hardstaff they comfort me.

5  Thou preparest a wicket before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest Travis Head with a baggy green cap; my World Cup run rate is 8 an over.

6  Surely goodness and mercy shall never make me follow on all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the stands of Lords for ever.




24th. March, 2016.

Jeff Perkins ‏@JeffPerkins12 



Hiatus – I must get around to adding in some missing verse, but does anyone ever look at these pages?


21st. February, 2016.

3rd. Women’s ODI South Africa v. England.



2nd. Men’s ODI South Africa v. England.




19th. February, 2016.

2nd. ODI South Africa v. England. (Women’s then men’s)





Jeff Perkins @JeffPerkins12


Jeff Perkins @JeffPerkins12





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© Dr. Dan Diaper, 2016.  DDD SYSTEMS version 9.0 – updated March, 2016.