& Dr. Dan Diaper. An introduction to Dr. Diaper’s scientific and
research engineering work and to his organisation, DDD SYSTEMS, and the
services it provides.
DDD SYSTEMS & Dr. Dan Diaper
DDD SYSTEMS is Dr. Dan Diaper.
Previously Professor of Systems Science and Engineering, and
the Head of the Department of Computing, at
Dr. Diaper is passionately interested in general systems of
all sorts, although for professional reasons he has concentrated on systems
that involve both people, individually and collectively working together, and
computer systems of many types, from mobile devices to PCs, mainframes, and to
ones that involve Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Now retired as a full time academic, Dr. Diaper is always
willing to provide advice and assistance to academic and commercial researchers
and students. On a more formal basis,
DDD SYSTEMS provides the opportunity for organisations to access and exploit
Dr. Diaper’s expertise for either research or consultancy purposes. For interesting and deserving work, fees are
minimal and open to negotiation.
Dr. Diaper has previously supplied practitioner training to
industry and has taught many subjects on university computing and psychology
degree programmes. DDD SYSTEMS offers
education and training opportunities that can be customised to fit the needs of
organisations or individuals.