DDD SYSTEMS & Dr. Dan Diaper.  List of the topics on which Dr. Diaper has published research and engineering work.









The following list, from Dr. Diaper’s academic curriculum vitae, which includes a full list of his publications, represents the areas in which he has published scientific and engineering research.  In Dr. Diaper’s personal history, many of these topics arose opportunistically because of the needs and interests of colleagues or clients.  Thus, Dr. Diaper’s research interests are even broader than characterised by the list below.  While the work varies greatly in detail, all of it is covered by Dr. Diaper’s general systems approach. 


·       Task Analysis                                            

·       Systems Analysis

·       Expert/Knowledge Based Systems         

·       Software Engineering

·       Intelligent Interfaces                               

·       Natural Language Processing

·       Simulations                                              

·       User Modelling

·       Hypertext/Hypermedia                           

·       Organisational Modelling

·       Structured Design Methods                    

·       Computer Supported Cooperative Work

·       Software Tools                               

·       System and User Interface Evaluation

·       Training                                           

·       Collaborative Writing

·       Requirements and Design Specification

·       Large Document Management Systems

·       Knowledge Elicitation                             

·       Artificial Intelligence  

·       Formal Methods                            

·       Object Oriented Systems 

·       Functional Specification                         

·       Soft Systems Methodology

·       Epistemology                                           

·       Small Scale Programming 

·       Safety Critical Systems                            

·       Global Information Technology  

·       Distance Learning                                    

·       Web Page Design

·       Universal Accessibility                            

·       Activity Theory

·       Cell Assembly based Artificial Neural Networks


Further information about Dr. Diaper’s research can be found on the internet: Google “Dan Diaper”.



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© Dr. Dan Diaper, 2019.  DDD SYSTEMS version 10.0 – updated October 2019.